Sunday, 24 May 2015

Post Exam Stress

Sunday, 24 May 2015

Post Exam Stress

"...she hibernated like a winter animal who did not know spring had come and gone. Her hair darkened, she put on weight. She became rather careless about her clothes..."

Alas, after what seems like months of tackling revision (procrastination), wading my way through several packets of Maryland Cookies and consequently gaining weight and spots galore, the majority of my exams are over and I can return to what I love doing best: writing and blogging. 
(Alongside sorting my unhealthy obsession with cookies, sorting my face out and maybe even regaining a social life?)

( ^ Nutella/Banana fried toast. I've finally regained my Sunday Serenity of lie-ins, reading a magazine and consuming yummy breakfasts rather than revising!)

As May draws to a close, plans arise, the summer playlist is shuffled and the panic when my legs are too pale to wear suitably seasonal clothing launches. My worries about exam results are carried away by the defeaning beats of festival music whilst the intense heat of the sun soaks up the potent pressure for desirable grades. 

So, for those who still have exams left I wish you all the best and for those who don't - is it not time to flick the flip flops on, invest in some ice-cream and trade the stress for some recess?

Read article