'...my spirits heightened whenever I felt in my pocket the key to this apartment; with all its gloom, it was still a place of my own, the first, and my books were there, and jars of pencil to sharpen, everything I needed, so I felt, to become the writer I wanted to be.' (Breakfast at Tiffany's)

HOW ON EARTH IS IT MID MAY? How on earth do I have a week left of Uni? And how on earth has my exam crept up on me this quickly? WHERE HAVE 19 YEARS OF MY LIFE GONE?
The reality of how fast the last 9 months have sped past is hitting me harder than that 3 day treble hangover from freshers. Today I thought I'd just have a scroll through my camera roll (classic procrastination technique)and reflect on the hundreds of photos I've accumulated since September.
...I'm feeling nostalgic.
I know this blogpost has probably come at a bad time for the many of you revising for exams (sorry), so my aim was to keep it short and sweet. But then again, who the hell can condense a year's worth of boppers into one blissful track?
Some of you will be undergoing the torturous process of A Levels (I pray for you), some will be enduring Uni exams, whilst others of you are working your butt off to save some dolla. Aren't we a bunch of hard workers.
Anyway, I thought I'd compile a post about my experience of first year in an attempt to inspire those hoping to go, or just to entertain the rest of ya. It's been one of the most challenging, adventurous and, frankly, FUN years of my life. So here it is.
Everyone tells you to join societies, buy the official wristband (DON'T) and to gatecrash flat parties. Bar the wristband, they're not wrong. You need to meet as many people as you can from the start, because the reality is that the person you thought you would be best buds with is no longer on the scene by the end of the year. It just happens. I made the mistake of signing up to LOADS of societies and not sticking to one (why the hell did I think I would be good at Lacrosse?).
That said, don't get stuck in your flat. Sure, that Netflix series is great and I'm sure your dressing gown is comfy, but every once in a while get out your comfort zone. (Aside: I'm going to get SO criticised by my family for this, so I may as well confess that I LIVE in my dressing gown.)
My friend Kate and I sashayed across to the Baltic contemporary Art Gallery after procrastinating it for months. And it. was. fab!! I'm not saying art galleries are everyone's cup of tea, but trips out like these make that 9 grand worth every penny. Immerse yourself in your city.
Appreciate your surroundings. I know I've mentioned it on my blog before, but I will never get over the incredible sunsets that seep in through my window. I really am going to miss my Uni room (and this window in particular). It has a kind of urban vibe and I LOVE blogging away at my desk with the hum of city life filtering through my window. I'm easily amused.

The truth is, everyone finds their feet at different times, and some feet need to make a U-turn before they arrive at their destination. Some of my friends from home settled in immediately and I worried I would lose them to their new pallies. Fear not, FaceTime and Facebook are good at what they do. Some people have their honeymoon phase during freshers week, but personally I've loved second term even more. I count myself super lucky to have met the sass queens I now class as sisters and, cheesy as it may sound, it feels like we've known each other for years. (Who would've thought a Scouser, an Irish lass and a broad Yorkshire gal would be able to understand each other's accents?)

Yeah, you may also worry that you won't have a routine like you did at home, you worry you'll become a slacker (sadly everyone is in first year) and you worry you'll miss amigos from home. But you make new traditions. Washing day is Sunday, productive day is Wednesday and Pizza Express dates with your flatmate are... well, just regular.
And let me tell you, returning to family and friends has never been better. You learn to cherish every single one of your friendships. (Ilkley Spoons you better be ready for a lot of reuniting...)
So here's my advice:
1. yes, eat that. (It's first year, you're allowed to get fat)
2. introduce friends to friends (you can never have too many)
3. live in the moment. You're young, sassy and you've made it this far... stop stressing about not being smart enough.

(WARNING: still be careful when you tell your mum you're going 'home' when referring to Uni. She'll get worried that you'll never return.)
But I hope that whatever your plans for the future are, you find a way to have a blooming good laugh. And remember, if something doesn't work out, something better will sneak up when you least expect it.
Newcastle, you've treated me well. You've seen me in streams of tears (from laughter I assure you); you've witnessed me rocking my PJ's to Tesco and you've been exposed to some of my ugliest hangovers known to man.
So, thank you.
Nonetheless, Yorkshire, I'm ready for ya. I'm ready for your surplus of green, for your FRESH tasting water and for one of your hearty Yorkshire roasts.
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