'That's very much on my schedule, an some day I'll get around to it; but if it happens, I'd like to have my ego tagging along.'
Autumn this year really has felt like the season of change - of beginnings and endings. My third year of University should surely be my most settled - yet I've found myself more scatty than I've been in a while (that's saying a lot for me).
But alas - it turns out I am not alone in this midterm mayhem. It would seem that a whole multitude of friends - all over the world - are trying to get to the bottom of 'what the f life is trying to teach me right now'.
Since September, we've endured a season of stress: a domino effect of couples breaking up or getting back together, dissertation station (more commonly known as procrastination) and frequent throwing round of the 'P' word: 'what are your plans post-Uni?'. Add to the equation heinous hormones prancing about all over the shop and you've got some fairly flustered females.
I'd scoffed when one of my gals claimed it was all to do with astrology: 'it's all in the stars, Holly. Venus is in retrograde. Give it until mid-November.' Perhaps this is so, but my explanation to all this change and disruption is simple. We're finally entering adulthood.
Perhaps the full gravity of what lies ahead is finally hitting us. These pressures to find the perfect other half, the perfect job and the perfect lifestyle are hitting us from all angles. But why do we torture ourselves with these crippling anxieties?
Perhaps the full gravity of what lies ahead is finally hitting us. These pressures to find the perfect other half, the perfect job and the perfect lifestyle are hitting us from all angles. But why do we torture ourselves with these crippling anxieties?
Has Ariana's epic music video Thank You, Next taught us nothing? Firstly yes, early 2000's films packed a punch, empowered the timid teen and were, frankly, irreplaceable. Iconic, Ari. Secondly, what good has ever come from dwelling on the past? Sure, acknowledge people and events in your life but, in the words of our Queen, 'next.'
This same resilience has been demonstrated by none other than my seven female flatmates. Our lounge seems to be more of a therapeutic space than anything else. Intellectual debates to emotional support, we're a strong household. (...led by Frida Kahlo, whose picture takes pride of place above our sofas).
We are Satan and his seven deadly sins after all... So scandalous.
Adulthood, of course, means more than just keeping your emotions intact. After my summer of escaping responsibilities at Camp America, I also did a week's work experience at Esquire Magazine in London... Hopefully I'll actually get round to writing about my Devil Wears Prada combined with Bridge Jones with a sprinkling of Carrie Bradshaw moments soon. I've also taken on the role of Lifestyle Editor at Newcastle University's Newspaper, The Courier. It all sounds kind of daunting doesn't it? Call me a geek - but I'm actually kind of loving this adulting stuff.

As we're now in December, it seems appropriate to embrace all things festive.'Tis the season of reuniting and mulled wine and I've already kicked it off with some belters. A few casual drinks with friends from Camp suddenly turned into a 3a.m. boogie in the club as we sang our hearts out to our summer anthem - Shotgun. I also reconvened with friends from home in Lisbon (watch out for a post about this too!) - a short but super sweet trip filled with laughter, love and lots of wine.
But the big reunion comes in just over a week when I fly out to New York with my parents. The trip will combine everything I love - my favourite time of year and my favourite city and the best people to spend it with. But this 21st birthday celebration just gets better as I'll be, at last, back with my American besties.
All this reuniting reminds me, that maybe change is a good thing. Sure, growing old can seem kind of hideous. But maybe there's something kind of wonderful about entering our twenties.
After all, you start learning the difference between people willing to fit you into their free time and those willing to free their time for you. You learn to find an ease in solitude. You learn that years worth of education cannot teach you to love yourself. That's just something we gotta figure out ourselves.

After all, you start learning the difference between people willing to fit you into their free time and those willing to free their time for you. You learn to find an ease in solitude. You learn that years worth of education cannot teach you to love yourself. That's just something we gotta figure out ourselves.

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